¿¿Quién es la tía esa que está con Dukerisst??

A falta de fotos del concierto en Imperio Pop (btw, resumen: bien de gente, bien de rollo, bien de casi todo, bronca a través del micro al técnico por pasar de todo que se arregla con abrazos a la 8ª cerveza, etc), y de colaboraciones de otros miembros de la banda edito una nueva entrada por-que-sí.
En la foto tenemos a nuestra admirada Ani diFranco. Después de casi años sin oir sus discos recuperé el "To the Teeth". Siempre me emociona "At the Arrivals Gate", una canción que habla de la puerta de llegadas de un aeropuerto con una base electrónica y un banjo! O la canción que da título al disco, cuya letra adjunto a continuación: creo que poca gente tiene huevos de escribir algo así.
the sun is setting on the century
and we are armed to the teeth
we're all working together now
to make our lives mercifully brief
and school kids keep trying to teach us
what guns are all about
confused liberty with weaponry
and watch your kids act it out
and every year now like christmas
some boy gets the milk fed suburban blues
reaches for the available arsenal
and saunters off to make the news
and the women in the middle
are learning what poor women have always known
that the edge is closer than you think
when the men bring the guns home
look at where the profits are
that's how you'll find the source
of the big lie that you and i both know so well
by the time it takes this cultural
death wish to run it's course
they're gonna to make a pretty penny
and then they're going to hell
he said the chickens all come home to roost
malcolm forecast the flood
are we really going to sleep through another century
while the rich profit off our blood
yeah it may take some doing
to see this undoing through
but in my humble opinion
here's what i suggest we do
open fire on hollywood
open fire on mtv
open fire on nbc and cbs and abc
open fire on the nra
and all the lies they told us along the way
open fire on each weapons manufacturer
while he's giving head to some republican senator
and if i hear one more time
about a fools right to his tools of rage
i'm gonna take all my friends
and i'm going to move to canada
and we're going to die of old age
PS: el pájaro de la derecha es el señor Dukerisst. Su página de fotos
con famosos y autógrafos desde AC/DC a Los Panchos es pura cremita...
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